Coordination : Local & General
As “TC base teams” start to develop so do the needs for coordination with other TC groups who act within the same country. When this happens, this coordination is taken on by a “National Coordination Team”.
The function of a National Coordination Team is to coordinate joint actions (campaigns, forums, responses to situations in the environment, etc), to coordinate the response to specific situations, to deal with administrative and legal matters (where necessary), to choose a spokesperson and to coordinate relations with the press and other organizations.
The National Coordination Teams are composed of a maximum of 12 people and a minimum of 4, elected through a direct vote by full members. International coordination is the responsibility of the “World Coordination Team of The Community”, composed of 12 members, elected through a direct vote by full members of The Community around the world, every two years.
The composition of the World Coordination Team takes into consideration the representation of ethnic, cultural and regional minorities. The World Coordination Team is responsible for general worldwide coordination and can propose joint actions of different magnitudes and scope.
The tasks of the World Coordination Team are:
- Coordination of joint actions
- Coordination of responses to specific situations
- International information to the Base Groups (international bulletin)
- To attend to the representation and participation of minorities.
- Official website (international web page in different languages where the official materials can be found, and all necessary international information.)
- Official international communiqués.
- Relations with other organizations at an international level.
- Admittance of organizations and/or fronts that act at a regional or worldwide level and wish to be incorporated as “supporters” of TC.
- Any proposal for action that includes the modification of the official materials or important organizational aspects of the organism will be subject to a direct vote by all members.
Other levels of coordination, for example city or regions, will be temporarily formed when so needed (joint actions, forums, campaigns, etc), but they will not have a permanent character, unlike National Coordination Teams and the World Coordination Team.
Synthesizing this point, the National Coordination Teams and the World Coordination Team are the permanent coordination bodies which are elected through direct vote by full members of “TC Base Teams”, while other coordination levels (by city or region) are temporary and respond to situational needs. In the formation of National and World Coordination Teams, there will be no possibility of re-election in consecutive periods.